Savoring Autumn

It seems like ever since about the middle of summer I’ve been ready for the fall; dreaming of the leaves changing, the humidity dropping, and the temperature becoming more crisp. And now we’re right in the middle of it!!

But I can’t be the only one who falls victim to wanting something to happen so badly or wishing that it would come sooner, and then right when it happens or arrives, I forget to savor and appreciate it. For me personally, autumn is my favorite time of year, but it also unfortunately falls during one of the busiest times of the year. It’s easy for me to get so wrapped up in what I’m doing that I can forget that this is the exact time of year that I’ve been looking forward to for months!

Right in the midst of the craziness, I came across the concept of “hygge”. Hygge is a term used by the Danish, and it’s a lifestyle that celebrates living in the moment, finding beauty in simplicity, and nurturing yourself and others with coziness. WOW! That sounds like a lifestyle that I want to be a part of! The Danish are considered to be the happiest group of people on Earth, so I think I need to learn a thing or two from them, including this concept of a hygge lifestyle.

It’s time to slow down and enjoy the simple pleasures and beautiful things this season so graciously offers!

So what does a hygge lifestyle look like? To me, it looks like, stopping living your life on autopilot and living your life in a way that satisfies and brings contentment to your soul. Some things that make me slow down and bring contentment to my soul are: watching the sunrise or sunset, waking up early to drink coffee and read my Bible, going on a long walk and listening to a podcast, hiking, catching up with a friend over coffee. These things refocus my mind on what is most important and remind me to let my mind and body rest even when it feels like I have a million other things I could be doing.

Rest and slowing down can look different for everybody. Your version of rest might look like reading a book in front of a fire, cozying up on the couch and watching a movie, or inviting close friends over for dinner. We have to allow ourselves to slow down every once in a while so that we can refill our cups and not try to live our lives and love our people on empty.

So how can I incorporate rest and the Danish hygge lifestyle into my life this autumn? Although this is going to look different for everyone, I’m going to give you a few ideas that you might love and want to implement. Keep in mind that what you love and value should drive your decisions!

  1. Cooking

    Yes, this does seem simple, but isn’t that what hygge is all about?! Whether you’re cooking for your family, spouse, yourself, or friends, this is something that can bring people together and create a loving and nurturing environment. Make a pot of chili, invite some friends over, and enjoy the simplicity and sweetness of this season.

  2. Go apple picking

    Grab some girlfriends and spend some time picking apples and making yummy fall treats! Apple pies, cider, and caramel apples are the perfect treat to sweeten up this autumn!

  3. Decorate your front porch

    Adding a touch of fall to your front porch is the perfect way to welcome guests into your home. Add some pumpkins, fall mums, a wreath, and a fall welcome mat and your guests are sure to feel welcome and homey.

  4. Wake up just a little earlier

    I know, I know this one doesn’t seem as fun as the other ones… but in my own life, I find the most peace when I wake up early in the morning, have my cup of coffee, and spend time with Jesus before anyone else in my house is awake. This starts my day off on a great foot and allows me to enjoy the peace and quiet before the business of my day begins.

  5. Journaling

    I picked up the habit of journaling a few years ago and it is crazy the difference it has made in my life. I sit down, either in the morning or before I go to bed, and reflect on anything that has been on my mind or happened recently. This allows all of the jumbled thoughts in my brain to be written out and become more organized. This might be a great thing for you to start to help you become more present and enjoy the little blessings in life.

I think the Danish people were on to something when they introduced the hygge lifestyle! I for one am excited to slow down this autumn and enjoy the simple blessings that this season has to offer. I pray that this autumn is a season of rest, coziness, and joy for you.

God bless,

Leah Alexander


Hello (Almost) Fall