50% OFF All Christmas Decor

50% OFF All Christmas Decor

Brightening spaces with unique products

to make your house a home.

Our Story

Several years ago I was struggling with where I wanted to go professionally. I craved a job that would allow me to put God and my family first while providing me with a passion to go to work everyday. So I prayed. I prayed that God would help me discover my gifts and allow me to use them to honor him. After a lot of praying (and a lot of patience) I discovered that my passion for entertaining and my desire for people to feel welcomed and comfortable was actually a gift from God. I realized that God was leading me to utilize my gift of hospitality and my love for family and friends to open The Refined Table. 

Now I want to help you.  I want you to experience the joy of hosting gatherings for family and friends, all while making your home feel warm and inviting. For me it’s about helping you create “that feeling.” We will work together, taking the old and the new and blending them with your family heirlooms in order to REFINE your space. I will be honored to help you gain confidence in making your gathering memorable and your home cozy. I look forward to meeting you online or in person!